Human Rights Policy
Everlight adheres to the Company’s core corporate culture and business philosophy, taking into consideration the four core principles and rights of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and considering the local laws and regulations of each operating sites around the world, Everlight promulgated the “Everlight Human Rights Policy” on August 16, 2019. This policy explicitly states that it respects for employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining, prohibits forced labor, prohibits child labor, eliminates illegal discrimination, and continuously promotes Character First education. The policy was announced after being signed by the Chairman. The Human Rights Policy applies not only to employees but also to external providers working with Everlight (including suppliers, contractors, and subcontractors).
▍Human Rights Risk Assessment
Everlight’s global operating sites strictly adhere to local laws and regulations. All operating sites in Taiwan, Trend Tone Imaging, and Everlight Suzhou have implemented the Human Rights Policy and conducted relevant education and training to prevent human rights violations.
Additionally, each year more than 3,000 suppliers’ procurement contracts have clearly stipulated various guarantees for both parties and their related companies to abide by and fulfill their corporate social responsibilities including, adhering to the rule of laws and international conventions, valuing ethics and character, respecting fundamental human rights, prohibiting the use of child labor, forced labor, or discrimination, and maintaining employees’ health and safety.
▍Practices to Avoid Negative Human Rights Impacts
Everlight complies with the government’s Labor Standards Act and Employment Service Act, not employing child labor under the age of 16. The Company ensures equal treatment for job applicants or employees regardless of race, language, ideology, religion, political affiliation, place of origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or marital status. At the same time, in accordance with the laws and regulations, no person is forced or coerced into labor services, ensuring employees have reasonable working hours.
Furthermore, quarterly labor-management meetings are held by law, allowing full communication between employer and employee representatives. With a sincere attitude towards handling labor-management relations, Everlight values and appropriately responds to employee’s feedback, effectively coordinating labor-management relations and promoting labor-management cooperation. An annual year-end employee forum is held, and a quarterly newsletter is published to ensure employees are well-informed about major company policies and developments, providing a timely platform for expressing opinions. This establishes clear communication channels, demonstrating Everlight’s commitment to the business operation principle of “respecting employees” through an attitude of trust, respect, motivation, and care.
▍Human Rights Training
In 2024, the Company conducted a “Human Rights Policy Promotion” campaign.
▍Grievance Mechanism
In 2023,
no grievance cases were received.
The Company has established a grievance system, and the grievance window is headed by the person in charge of each human resources unit. Should any related situations arise, they will be handled according to the grievance handling procedure.
▍Elimination of Unlawful Discrimination
In 2023,
there were no reported cases of discrimination.
The Company’s human rights policy explicitly states the elimination of unlawful discrimination, incorporating respect for employees as one of the core operating principles. The Company adheres to humane management, requiring employees to respect each other and prohibiting discrimination, harassment, verbal abuse, and physical violence. A “Sexual Harassment Complaint and Disciplinary Regulations” has been established, and a “Grievance Handling Committee” has been set up to handle such complaints.
▍Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Harassment
In 2023,
no sexual harassment incidents were reported.
The Company has established “Workplace Sexual Harassment Complaint and Disciplinary Regulations,” which include defining the scope of sexual harassment, setting up a Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee, complaint and relief mechanisms, review procedures, confidentiality responsibilities, and referral services for counseling or medical care. A dedicated phone line, fax number, mailbox, or email address for sexual harassment complaints has been set up, and relevant information is prominently displayed in the workplace. Employees who encounter sexual harassment in the workplace can file complaints with the regional committee members. Additionally, regular training on sexual harassment prevention is conducted for employees to establish correct prevention concepts and eliminate sexual harassment incidents.